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Estrone (E1) and Estriol (E3), Ultrasensitive, LC/MS

Regular price $98.00
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Regular price $98.00
Regular price Sale price $98.00

This panel measures the concentrations of estrone and estradiol, the 2 most potent estrogens that are biologically active. This panel may help assess estrogen status in children and nonpregnant adults.

Estrogens are endogenous steroids that regulate growth and maintenance of sex organs and secondary sex characteristics in women. Estrogens also have other functions and effects, such as production of liver proteins, arterial vasodilation, reduction of intraocular pressure, influence on mood, and maintenance of bone density in both males and females; lack of estrogens has important consequences in both men and women. Measurements of estrogens may help evaluate sexual maturity, menstrual abnormalities, fertility abnormalities, fetal-placental health in pregnancy, tumors that excrete estrogens, or feminization syndromes in men.

Increased levels of estrogens may be observed in normal pregnancy, precocious puberty, hyperthyroidism, liver cirrhosis, and ovarian, testicular, and adrenal tumors.

Decreased levels of estrogens may be observed in failing pregnancy, Turner syndrome, hypopituitarism, primary and secondary hypogonadism, menopause, polycystic ovarian disease, and anorexia nervosa. Low estrogen levels in normal men receiving a gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist and an aromatase inhibitor is associated with decreased sexual function and increased body fat. 

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