By 808 Lab Test

Rheumatoid Arthritis Advanced Panel (RF, CCP, MCV)

Regular price $242.00
Regular price Sale price $242.00
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Regular price $242.00
Regular price Sale price $242.00

Our Rheumatoid Arthritis Advanced Panel, incorporating tests for Rheumatoid Factor (RF), Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) Antibody (IgG), and Mutated Citrullinated Vimentin (MCV), offers comprehensive insight into rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and related conditions.

Rheumatoid Factor (RF) is an autoantibody associated with RA, often elevated in individuals with the disease. CCP Antibodies (IgG) are specific markers for RA, aiding in early and accurate diagnosis. Mutated Citrullinated Vimentin (MCV) is another autoantibody associated with RA, providing further diagnostic value.

This advanced panel plays a pivotal role in identifying RA and assessing disease severity.

Convenient, Affordable, and Confidential Lab Testing